Hello, my dear students.
This is the last blog post of the year. Can you believe it? Three months ago, our lives were completely different. Today, 190 blog posts later, we have to say goodbye.
I came to Ciudades Unidas in the year 2015, ready to meet my new students... and it was you guys! Tiny 2nd grade children were waiting for me! You probably think that was millions of years ago, but to me, it was yesterday!
I have been lucky enough to see you grow, learn, and become the great people you are today. Teaching you has been super fun! We have visited places, done projects, we have travelled, played, studied, read, watched movies, danced....!! You name it! We have done it all!
The last months haven't quite turned out as we expected them to be, but thankfully we didn't wait until the last moment to have fun!
I will always remember creating enormous human bodies in 2nd grade, and visiting the firefighters. I will always remember Noan's Alone, one of the most special moments in my life... I will always be proud that I have passed on to you my love for skiing, ice skating, and Harry Potter. I will always be thankful for how easy it was to carry out interactive groups, stations, houses, and all kind of crazy games, because you were so respectful and interested.
I will always remember you.
Love you guys,

Pay attention to your email today! You are going to receive a link to a very special video... your graduation video!!!!!!!!

There will be a couple more surprises for you on Friday... we will give them to your parents! Shhhh... it's a secret.

Comment your goodbye paragraph for your teacher Violeta (me) :(