
Monday 4 May 2020

English 4th May


Please, start reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Chapter 17. Read, at least, half of the chapter. Read slowly, without any distractions, and look in the dictionary for difficult words.


1. Listen to the ‘Quarantine Update’ audio then answer the following questions.

1. What do you think the phrase “hang in there” means?
To ‘hang in there’ means to not give up, to not surrender. It means to continue trying even if there are many difficulties.

2. How does Aisha spend her free time?
Aisha spends her free time cooking, reading, coding or using her laptop. She also exercises, studies and chats with friends and family.

3. What does Aisha hear on Sundays?
She hears someone playing the piano on their balcony. Everybody claps when the concert ends.

4. How is the US quarantine different from Spain?
In the USA, the president didn’t order a quarantine for the whole country, so each state has its own rules of quarantine.

5. Why do we need quarantine?
We need to quarantine to stop the virus from spreading, from expanding.

6. What does Aisha think is important for us to do?
Aisha thinks it is important to keep our spirits up and stay busy.

2. Listen to the ‘About Web Development’ audio. COPY the paragraphs, then fill in the missing words.

You all know me as your auxiliar, but did you know that I have another job as well? I am a web developer. Do you know what this means? That’s right, I’m a computer programmer who builds websites for people and companies. Let me tell you a little bit more about my job.

You may be wondering how I became a web developer. Just like humans, computers speak their own languages known as programming languages. We call writing in these languages coding. In order to build websites, I had to learn to speak the internet’s languages. There are three main languages for building the internet: html, css, and javascript. Html is a websites text. It is very easy to learn and almost like typing a word doc. Css is the website’s style. Css is how we give websites colour and make them pretty. Javascript is the website’s language. This is how we tell the computer what actions to take. Let’s use a real world example. Let’s say we want to log into Gmail. How do I build a log in form? First, I use html to code the box to type the email address and the log in button. Then, I use css to make the button a beautiful red color. Finally, I use javascript to tell the website to sign me in when I click the button.

I hope this explains a little bit more about what web developers do. Would you want to learn more about web development and computer programming in the future?


Comment if you have any questions!


  1. AAG: Violeta , i had 11 incorrections and the majority , and a personal question, do you like ghostbusters?

    1. Yes, I love ghostbusters!
      Why do you ask?

    2. AAG: Because i built the ghosbusters´s house of lego blocks and because i go to see ghostbusters 3 underlife when the premiere in the cinema.

  2. I correct this I have almost good.

  3. I don't understand very well the las part..

  4. A. G. H.
    I get only bad 1 things and us the paragrap

  5. NGC...violeta i had failures

  6. IVM I have had almost everything just like your, Violet

  7. I.A.R. I correct all the activity of aisha but, I dont see any audio to listening

    1. You should've listened to the audio on Thursday

  8. I.C.A
    I correct all the homework.

  9. Teacher the chapter of harry potter we have all the week to read no?

    1. hmm... not really! I will start askind you to complete activities later in the week.

  10. I do not have any questions.a.c.a
