Hi guys! Now that we have shared our dream destinations, let's get there!! How???? By PLANE!!!
Let's watch these three videos to understand how air travel works.
Comment a summary of the videos, where you use SPECIFIC VOCABULARY you have learnt! Your paragraph needs to be at least 50 words long.

This videos explain things or typs you can do in planes or in case that the
ReplyDeleteplanes are in an accident, in this case you have to get down, get the life buoi
that you inflate like this: there are like 2 ropes you pull them.Or the slides open.
In a plane is very important to respect the security masks or the things that the airport workers say to you, travel by plane is more safety than by car but is not imposible that an accident occurs so please respect the security laws so we don´t die. And also the reccomendings of the bugs and other things that you bring to the travelling.
ReplyDeleteA plain is a machine that fly and is very important to respected the rule because can be dangerous if you not respet the rulers. First you by the ticket in the airport or in internet then you pass a control,when you pass the control you wait in a room and when the fly is going to be they tells you
ReplyDeleteIt begins that you have to buy the tickets to go to the plane, then you have to wait for the day of the flight. On the next day, you go to the airport and you have to give a person the ticket, go through a metal detector and the suitcase too, then You enter the plane and a servant girl will tell the rules when there is an incident.
A.E. In all countries, there are thousands of air transports that have the same safety regulations for travelling,such as keeping the seatbelt fastened whenever the callsign is illuminated,turning off electronic devices such as mobile phones,or activating airplane mode during the flight.The passengers cannot smoke anywhere on the plane,carry-on luggage must be kept where the flight attendant indicates.In the event of turbulence,you must use safety masks and remain calm.
ReplyDeleteFirst you will have to buy tickets and pay airfare. And then select between economy class and first class. After that you will have to show your passport and put your baggage and luggage in the plain. Then you get boarding pass a ticket that permits you aboard the plane. Finally you will have to pass the metal detector and wait the plane. When the plane arrives in the airport you go to the gage to aboard and ¡Good flight!
ReplyDeleteD.S D
This is an OUTSTANDING paragraph.
DeleteWhen you travel in a plane you must be sitting correectly and fasten your seatblets before the hostesses say otherwise. And if the emergenci alarm goes on and the masks lower, first put your own one and later help some one that is next to you if it needs it.
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DeleteIVM The first thing we must do to travel by PLANE or JET is to buy a ticket, that can be at a TRAVEL AGENCY or online.Then, we have to go to the AIRPORT 2 or 3 hours before the plane TAKES OFF to CHECK-IN. Later, we have to go through a METAL DETECTOR to make sure we don't carry anything illegal. After that, we have to find our GATE. Finally, we wait for the plane TO BOARD and when it's the DEPARTURE TIME, we get on the AEROPLANE and take off!
ReplyDeleteInside the AIRPLANE, there are LIFE VESTS, OXYGEN MASKS and SEATBELTS for our safety.
This is an OUTSTANDING paragraph.
DeleteI.A.R First you have to buy a pasaport in the airport on mostrador or in the cportatil in hause. Then after you have pay the pasaport you go to the mostraitor to saw to person if you go in beasnis or in 1 person. After you have doit that yo have yo wait in the in the gate that you have and wait to call you. Then when you enter to the plane you sit in your place if there are an emergenci you put the mask but if is a emergenci tat the plane is not fliyinyou put your ffloat
DeleteYou need first to pay the ticket of the plain. You select between economy class and first class. You need to check. For ex.:can i see you passport?. A passport is an official document to prove to pass to the plane.You say the baggage you bring (the objets you bring to the plain). You need to pass many detecters and securities to go to the plain. You need to wait sometimes a lot. Then,go to the plain and enjoy
ReplyDeleteJ.G.A 81 WORDS.(i pass the limit no?) better than about not missing
This is an OUTSTANDING paragraph.
DeleteA plane is a machine that help you to transporte to other country. The first thing that you have to do is buy a ticket on the internet, after this you have to go where you take off the suitcases after this you to the plane. And finally the plane has to do a tests. And start to voy.
ReplyDeleteA plain is machine that can fly and transport person to go to one country to another to weigh 5 or 6 ton.
And the plain is very big to more people.
First you have to buy the ticket then go to airport three hours before the blast off after you have to check in when you check in you have to passe the control then go to the gate and when you go in the plane you have make the security measures provided by the strwardess.
These videos explain you how to buy a ticket, check it, and board the airship. The videos also talk about security in airplanes and how to use belts, oxygen masks and what to do in case of emergency. First buy a ticket, then check the ticket, and enjoy your fly.
ReplyDeleteTo board a plane you have to go to the agency travel and buy a flight ticket that later Will be useful to fly, but, in the travel agency you have to choose an exactly destination.When you go to the airport you have to pass through the checking machine it´s called: Metal detector, so, please, don´t
bring illegal ítems to the airport, you are minors of 18 years, then, also not.I like to fly and I have many stories. This year I will not be able to travel by plane because of the covid-19, but I was not going to do it anyway hahaha
At the Colorado airport I have a photo with a police dog.
On a ryanair flight when they were doing raffles I started to applaud ..... and the whole plane laughed ....
When I traveled as a child, he has always let me visit the cockpit and they gave me gifts .... now no longer x, d .....
I love to fly
My dream is to fly over the rainbow so high.
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Delete(Isn't the last line from a song?)
First you decide where to go then you buy an airplane ticket to the destination you want to you and chose between first class (the expensive and better class)or the economy class ( cheap but good) then go to the airport 3 hours before ( I prefer 5 hours before) , now you check in at the airport and show your passport (document that lets you fly in an air plane) then airport employees put your bags in the plain ( because we aren't allowed to go in that zone )expect the 1 you want to bring in the airplane . Pas the metal detectors ( to make sure you don't have something illegal ) then if you want you can buy thing in the duty free. After all these you go to the room of your flyte and wait for your airplane to be ready. ¡ HAVE FUN ¡
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DeleteFirst you have to buy a ticket and decide if you prefer economy class (the cheapest tickets) or first class (the most expensive tickets). Then you have to go to the airport like two or three hours before the depaurture time. Now you have to check in the airport and you have to show your passport. You have to give your bags to the employees and they put your bags in the plain. Then you have to pass the metal detectors and go to your gate. Finally you have to enter in your plane and enjoy.
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DeleteThe first thing we have to do to get on a plain is take a ticket then you have to go to a person to valided the ticket then you have to give the bags to a person and you can go to a plane. I dont like to go in a plain because is dangerous but it,s exiting, if I go in a plain I dont want 2 or more hours of plain. And you?
ReplyDeleteMe? Well, the truth is that I LOVE PLANES AND FLYING AND AIRPORTS!!
DeleteSome people think I'm crazy, but I LOVE spending hours and hours in airports and hours and hours on planes. The longest flight I have been on lasted 16 hours!!!
A plane is a transport that the people use to go mnore fast than in the car. That transport is very big for more people than you, the employees take your bags and they put in a part only for equipment.
ReplyDeleteYou olmost have to respect the security. The people had a lot of fun there because you relax more and olso the people go more fast.
These videos explain how to use a ticket, check it and get on the plain and then when you are flying if is an emergency you have push a boton and a oxygen masks appears. When you land a sign with a metal detector, detect if you have any illegal thing . In case you have a illegal thing it have consequences.
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ReplyDeleteThis videos shows the specific things to enter into a airplane and to exit in a emergency. To enter you need to buy a ticket, you pass the ticket and you wair in your gate to enter to the plane. If you have an emergency in the plane it gives you oxygen mask to have oxygen, and if you need to throw into the water it gives you a lifejacket and it throws floats to be in the water. I have never got on a plane.
The videos show us that a lot of people use planes to go to another country. You need a ticket to enter the plane. If there is an emergency they give us masks with oxigen because the oxigen go out.Then you go out the plane. I love go in plane because you are relaxe, they give us food and you can sleep.
ReplyDeleteIn these videos I have seen how important it is to follow the rules that are written to be able to fly. First you have to buy the ticket of the destination you want, then you have to go to the airport, before entering you have to go through a check-in, then you have to decide what your carry-on is going to be and finally you have to follow the indications of the workers, stewardesses, the pilot ...
You have to buy a ticket then go to airport 2 or 3 hours earlier to have time to do all you have to do , the first thing is check in there they give you a boarding pass , then go head of security and pass it after that you find you gate and go up to the plane .
In this videos explain what we can do if we have an emergency or if is the first time that we go on a plain: hoy hace to buy a ticket, the first thing is to check tour boarding pass. Sometimes they ask you if you want to sit next yo the windows or not.
ReplyDeleteIN the videos they explained all the things that you need to now about airports like accidents a what you need to do in that casses