Use red to correct. Pay attention to details.
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Analogue devices: They provide a continuous transmission of information.
Digital devices: They use the binary code to represent information.
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The World Wide Web: It's the way we access the Internet. It lets you share information and transmit data.
Search Engine: It's a program that looks for webpages in the WWW. For example: Google.
Web Browser: It's a software application to access the WWW. For example: Google chrome.
Web Page: It's an online document where you can find specific information. For example: Wikipedia.
Remember the videos we watched on Monday. If you don't remember, watch them again.
Comment a definition of cyberbullying. DON'T COPY THE DEFINITION FROM THE INTERNET. Use your own words.

Its bulling someone by using a dispositive.
Cyberbullying is an orrible action by the internet and is like bullying but by phones, tablets, by pc etc. In conclusion cyberbullying is when someone make bad expells or they insult someone by the internet.
CYBERBULLYING its to like saying him bad words or botherin her but using
Cyberbulling is when some people write something bad to a person on the internet ir whatsapp.
ReplyDeleteCyberbully is an action that is done with tablet Jones or computers to make someone feel bad
ReplyDeleteSigned: mystery person.
DeleteCyberbulling is that a person is insulting or something else by phones,tablet or computers
ReplyDeleteA.E. Cyber bullying is a dangerous network where both young and old people connect. In this network the majority of victims are adolescents in which the bully through threats and insults can control the lives of the victims in a negative way.
ReplyDeleteCyberbulling is a bad action that some people do and that hurts others.
NGC...the cyberbullyng ia when one person says bad things to another
ReplyDeleteCyberbullying is when a people say something bad to someone on internet and do that every day to that person and that person suffers that every day .
ReplyDeleteCiberbulling is very Bad to the people that is passing Ciberbulling becouse they feel bad.
AAG: Cyberbulling is a form of mess with others for electronic devices and of internet during day and night.
ReplyDeleteCyberbullying is a action that hurts other people every day throug the internet
Cyberbulling is to bully another person through internet.
ReplyDeleteCyberbullying occurs when some people use social networks or apps like whatsapp or telegram to threaten other people. Normally the stalker (found in dictionary) is hidden under an alias or unknow nick to prevent identification.
ReplyDeleteCyberbullying is when some people insult all the time a person in the internet or wasap and this person suffers every day the insult of they and he/she feel very bad
A. G. H.
ReplyDeleteCyberbullying is similar that bullying but in the Internet said something but of you
IVM Cyberbullying is when one or more people use the internet as a means to send messages to one or more people by insulting or messing with them for their way of being, their way of dressing.
ReplyDeleteCyber bulling is when some people tell bat things to other people by using phones, computers, laptops... It's the same as bulling but by technology.
Cyberbulling is a life change people can die of paint and it hurts in your hart for example you have a what's app perfil photo any one can insult you with that they can make fun of you or your country
ReplyDeleteThe cyberbulling is when people do bulling to a person by internet because the person knows that the other can't see him because the person that do the bulling is more brave than in person and many people do that and he don't won't to do but the society is like that because in person are very coward and they think that insult by internet the people don't need to do nothing only write but the person that recibe it feel like in person or hurt him more because is bulling and cyberbulling and bulling are the same but the only change that in cyberbulling are not fisical hurts is mor bad are hurt to you because the person that recibe that is a person and we don't want bulling. They affect to him and pscological is badly tan fisical.
Cyberbulling it´s an action that hurt people by using electronic dispositives like phones, tablets, computers... HSM
ReplyDeleteI.A.R. The cyberbulling is a situación when are some people and one boy or girl are bad because he other people insult, tell bad things and on the teblet and more thyings.
ReplyDeleteK.R.H: You never have to do cyberbullying if you lose something online and stop being his friend for a simple game.
ReplyDeleteCiberbullyng, it's buling but in the internet, ciberbullyng it is a bad thing that the people do and that people sometimes hit you. In the internet it is not the same but is buling because they said messages for example that they are going to hit you. And you had to said to your parents.
ReplyDeleteCyberbulling is for example, some one post something and people insult him.
Ciberbullyng, it's buling but in the internet, is a very irresponsale action that some people do to discriminate oher people. The people do this because the other person is worse in everything or because they want or have problems or out of envy. If you want to stop this, report of bulling,tell your parents,block and go to play to other thing,to play or chat in other platform... LIKE 15 MINUTES TO WRITE THIS SEARCHING WORDS THAT I DONT UNDERSTAND IN GOOGLE...
DeleteCyberbulling is when a person insults or gave hate to another person by internet like wassap,facebook,youtube...
ReplyDeletecyberbullying is bullying but in the internet wasap Instagram is about that insults another person in the social media
Cyberbulling is a bad thing that appeared in the internet.
ReplyDeleteCyberbulling:is when one person or people say bad things to hem or do other things bad to hem but virtual in games,social medias etc
ReplyDeleteCyberbulling:its when a person suffers bulling by Internet and then the others persons lough of the person that is sufering the bulling
ReplyDeleteCyber: From the internet.
Bullying: When one or more persons hurt emocionaly (or maybe phisicaly) beacause is smaller.
Cyber bullying is when some people hurt with insults one person using the social media.
ReplyDeletecyberbullying is virtual online harassment of people .
ReplyDeleteCyber bullying is bullying someone through the internet.
People do bulling to other people but in the internet.
Cyberbulliying is making someone feel bad online.
Cyberbulling is the same like bullying but the Publis bad things o the person an they avergonzate