
Monday 30 March 2020

English 30th March


First, copy and complete the questions related to Chapter 15 in your English notebook (reading section). 

To continue, you are going to write an email. We have practiced writing hundreds of emails this year. Well, now it's your time to SHINE! 

You are going to write a REAL EMAIL... to me, of course! Let's do it KET and PET style:

  • Answer your teacher to her real email address.
  • Use your parents email to write the answer.
  • Double-check spelling and grammar before you send the email.
  • Answer all the questions, and add some comments.
  • There is no word limit.
I will post the best emails in the comments for everyone to read!
Bitmoji Image


  1. YACC

    Hello teacher violet!
    I'm a little anxious to get out of the house but I can't . I also do homework and I watch a lot of movies until , I think I already saw everything on Netflix.
    To stay in shape sometimes I do yoga . I'm also reading Harry Potter I'm going to chapter 16 what happens that Harry and hIs friends manage to pass the exams and decide that they are going to steal the Philosopher's stone that night, but I haven't finished the chapter yet I don't know what happens next .
    I also want to see you teacher

  2. CME

    Hello Violeta
    Im a little bit tired to be at home but I'm doing things that i like.
    I'm watching a lots of movies in English I'm also doing a lot of exersise and also play with my friends with the PS4 some days.
    Apart of electronics and exersise I’m reading a book called ‘El caso del frankenstein misterioso ‘
    Now I finished the chapter 15 of the book and I'm going to start chapter 16 the chapter 15 is of the forddiben forest that Harry and Malfoy were alone in the forest and they found a Black creature and the creature is drinking the unicorns blood and then came a centaur to help Harry.

    I want to see all you again

  3. HSM

    Hi Violeta.

    I´m well. Some activities that are keeping me busy are reading ( I have read like 4 books ), do exercise with my stationary bycicle, draw and play with my brother. In the book of Harry Potter, I´m in the part of the forbidden forest when Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco Malfoy have detentions. In this part of the book they saw a cloak floating drinking blood of a unicorn. I hope you and your family are well.


  4. SCC

    Hello teacher!

    I´m very bored. I think the same about not seeing each other in a long time.
    These days I also stay at home, watch movies, play table games with my family and also play videogames more or less 2 hours about two or three times a week.

    I´m reading chapter 15:The Forbbiden Forest that Harry,Hermione,Neville and Malfoy were in detention and they need to go to the Forbbiden Forest more! I don´t want to tell you, but if you want spoilers...

    Oh! And one more thing, thank you for the teacher´s video! I like it so much and really I hope to see you soon.


  5. JMB

    Hi Violet!
    How are you? I am very good here, because I have many things to do in my house. Very good, I have a daily routine to stretch, I also have many games like a rec room, to play with my parents, I send you a picture for you to see it. I'm rereading the final of chapter 15, Harry, Ron and Hermione are talking in the common room. I Hut, I want to go back to my workouts.
    See you soon!

  6. DSD

    Hi teacher!
    I am good and I hope you are too. I would like to go to school and see you again.
    I also stay at home but it's not really as bad as I thought. I spend more time with my parents and I really enjoy the videos of exercise you put on the blog. They keep me fit!
    I also enjoy reading Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. I have finished chapter 15: The forbidden forest and I liked it a lot
    Writing to you was very fun.
    Take care of yourself.

  7. ASL

    Dear Violeta,
    I’m fine thank you. All of us are in our houses but we have to entertain ourselves. I'm doing many fun things like doing puzzles,I’ve planted lentils.They are growing so fast !I changed my plants to a different flower pot, I’ve watched many movies,played board games with my family, I draw a lot, I do Zumba. It's so fun! I do my homework, study and many more fun things.
    Yes we are reading Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone.I love everything about Harry Potter!The books, the movies.Everything!We are reading chapter 15:The forbidden forest. It's about Harry and Malfoy, they go into the forbidden forest and they find a weird looking figure wearing a cloak.It's drinking unicorn's blood!
    See you soon

  8. EVC

    Hi teacher :
    I’m ok I hope you too .I play with the console and play with the toilet paper doing challenges with my parents ,I also watch some movies.

    It lookS like a lie but I miss my classroom .

    I’m reading the part when Harry goes to detention in the forbidden forest . Is in the chapter 15 .
    See you in class,(I hope soon)

