
Monday, 23 March 2020

Natural Science 23rd March


1) Create study methods for pages 60 and 61.

2) Access this link and play the gameISAAC NEWTON GAME

3) Now, watch the video that is below the game. ISAAC NEWTON GAME

4) Copy and complete this paragraph about the video in your notebook (Natural Science). You can watch the video as many times as you need.

Isaac Newton was born in England in ________. He made lots of brilliant inventions, like a windmill to grind ___________. However, Isaac didn’t get brilliant ___________ at school. When he was 18, Isaac went to study at ___________ University. He was very interested in ______________, ___________________, and _______________. But in 1665 the Great Plague, which was a terrible ___________ spread in England, and the university had to close down. Back in the farm, one day he saw an apple _________ from the tree. He formed the theory of _________________: an invisible ___________ that pulls objects towards the Earth, and keeps the planets moving _______________ the Sun. He discovered that white light is, in fact, made up of all the colours of the rainbow. He also invented a ___________________ using mirrors. Isaac made another very important discovery: the three ___________ of _________________. These laws explain how objects move. They are used to send _____________ into space.

5) Thinking activityAttention! Very difficult!

Everything we study at school is related. Making connections is very important to understand the world we live in. I am sure my Year 6 students are intelligent enough to use their brains in a critical way.

I want you to write a comment on the blog (one paragraph – 3 or 4 sentences), where you talk about all the coincidences between Isaac Newton’s video and our lives.
Write a paragraph where you explain what things in Isaac Newton’s life are related to…
  • Our study of astronomy
  • Our KET and PET exams
  • The current situation that the planet is going through
6) Write the comment. I will only publish the best written ones to serve as an example for everyone.


  1. Hi Violeta
    we study in a bilingual school, that there they have the great plague and they go to their house and here we have coronavirus and we musn´t go to the street, and we have to study inour house.

  2. Thanks to Isaac Newton we can keep going to space and later go to Mars. Isaac Newton studied at home to go to university and I will pass the PET studying at home and finally, another pandemic forces us to stay at home and study there. Perhaps, I will make an important discovery like Isaac did.

  3. E.S.D
    In Carnival we studied astronomers and what they do and Isaac Newton also studied that. He also study a lot and went to Cambridge institute and we study Ket and Pet so the Cambridge academy can evaluate us. Isaac get good marks like us and we also study a lot.
    In that moment he discovered a lot of new things about the planet and that was passing a strange moment and now is the same we are discovered that the planet has a lot of secrets that we never imagine that exits. Maybe we are not like Isaac Newton but if we study more and more we can be like him.

  4. SEQ-The coincidences are: that Isaac Newton studied maths and we also study maths in the school. Also that he study astronomy and we also study astronomy, well , we are going to study in the highschool. And finally he did exams and we also we do ket and pet exams.

  5. C.M.M.
    Astronomy currently owes much knowledge to Newton as he invented the telescope and we have been able to study space more fully and with his law of the three forces, we have been able to send rockets into space more effectively.
    Curiously, the university in which Newton studied, Cambridge Universoty (England), is the same university in which we will do the Ket or Pet Exam this year.
    Unfortunately we are living the same situation that Isaac Newton lived with the Great Plague, now we are living a big pandemic: Covid 19.
    He had to be confined to his farm and we must remain confined to our homes.

  6. Hi Violeta,
    Issac Newton went to Cambridge University with 18 years old, but the University was closed due to the Great Plague. Today we have the same problem but with a different cause called "Coronavirus". Our schools have closed and we are studing in our home.Issac also made very brilliant inventions such, a windmill to grind corn and he discovered the "GRAVITY".
    Issac discover many things about the universe the people did not believe that there were more planets, and Issac said "here around there are many planets to discover"

  7. S.G.G.
    The similar things between Isaac Newton and I are: the astronomy that we study, such as the rockets, our Ket and Pet exams, because the university were Isaac went is the same as the one of our exams, and finally the gravity that we suffer is the same that he discovered.

  8. Violeta I have a question and I thought that you couldhelp me is about the Isacc Newton in sección give tells you what to study the astronomer and I do not know what to study

    1. Hi! Who are you mysterious person?
      I don't understand your question "in sección give tells you what..."
      Could you reformulate please?

  9. Voleta i don't understand very well what do we have to do 🤷‍♀️

  10. HI I THINK THAT...the coincidence its that he is an astronomer :v xd , and also i think that
    gravity, if theres not graviity nothing will be...funny?And teacher maybe i dont explain very well
    because i dont understand a lot the activity.


  11. Y.A.C.C
    We are in a very difficult stage of our life similar to the one that Issac Newton went through, the pandemic outbreak that we have gone through each time brought many consequences in our life and before all that we have to put on our best face and do like Newton study from home self-study is very difficult but not impossible as we have already seen let's study not only stars but the vast field of life and the world in general
