Correct in red. Write full sentences. Copy my answers.
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The current Prime Minister of Spain is Pedro Sánchez. He became president in 2018.
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There are 22 ministerial departments in Spain. Some of them are:
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Culture and Sports
- Ministry of Science and Innovation
- Ministry of Economy and Digital transformation
- Ministry of Politics
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In the small picture, we see the right of HEALTHCARE. It is important for everybody to have access to doctors and hospitals without having to pay money.
In the big picture, we see the right to EDUCATION. It is important for all people to gain knowledge in order to be free and have a better future.
Page 43: 4
In Spain there is UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE. This means that EVERYBODY who is 18 years old or more can vote. It is NOT obligatory to vote.
Click on the link below to access the newspaper "El País". Read the news:
Comment a reflection: Why do you think the government wants to change the Constitution, and not just create a normal law about healthcare?