
Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Social Science 1st April


Once you have created an outline about page 30, you will know that Franco named Juan Carlos de Borbón his successor. Juan Carlos I decided to establish a Constitutional Monarchy, and he put an end to almost 40 years of dictatorship.

We are going to watch this last video from the DMAX series. It will help you understand the situation better, with real images from that period.

Comment! What is the difference between DICTATORSHIP and DEMOCRACY?


  1. The dictartorship you have yo do what
    Franco said and un the democracy you can choose the president you have more freedom.

  2. Democrazy:vote and liberty
    Dictatorship:only one person have power

  3. Hi Violeta!!!
    In a democracy the government has less control over how people spend their time and what they believe. People are free to join clubs, political parties and other groups. In a dictatorship there's just one leader who has total control over the party and the country.

  4. M.A.L.L.
    The diference between a dictadorship and a democracy is: the dictadorship is only one person that had all the power of the country until he dies and a democracy we use the vote of the persons to choose their representative to defend your idea, the democracy is not vitalized but lasts for a time.

  5. Hi!! The differences between Dictatorship and Democracy. DICTATORSHIP:A country ruled by a dictator. DEMOCRACY:A country in which power is held by elected representatives. Is this right profesor?. A.E

  6. SSM
    Democracy:the head of goverment is freely chosen by the people through votes.
    Dictatorship:the head of goverment is imposed by force. You are not elected by vote.

  7. In the dictatorship only the dictatorship decided, and in democracy the mayority decided.


  8. IVM
    A dictatorship is a political regime in which a single person governs with full power, without submitting to any limitations and promulgates and modifies laws at will.

    And a democracy is a political system that defends the sovereignty of the people and the right of the people to choose and the control their rulers.

  9. I.C.A.
    In Democracy we elect political representatives and in dictatorship no.
    In Democracy the politicians are elected every 4 years and in dictatorship it is until the death of the dictator
    In Democracy we can disagree with the political powers and in dictatorship we cannot
    in democracy we can vote freely and in dictatorship no (no voting)

  10. That un democrazy the goverment has lees power and un dictartorship only one person has the power

  11. In a dictatorship,one person has all the power and he hasn't been chosen by the people.
    In a democracy people vote and choose a person who governs for a amount of time and the there are new free elections yo choose anotherone.

  12. C.M.M.
    The difference between dictatorship and democracy is that in a dictatorship only one person take the desitions of a country and on a democracy are many people that have to think the same and aprove it.

  13. IML
    In the democracy people vote govern
    In the4 dictatorship people can´t vote

  14. AMB
    The difference in a dictatioship and a democracy it's that a dictatiorship is a person or people that any people say nothing and stay him if the power,and a democracy is voting and liberal

  15. The difference between a dictatorship and a democracy is that in a dictatorship is one person who rules without asking anybody. In democracy people choose their rules and also people vote to make goverment decisions.
