
Wednesday 29 April 2020

English 29th April


Our teacher Aisha has recorded this Audio for you. First, listen to it. You can listen to it as many times as you want or need:

Then, complete this activity in your notebook (Activities section).

Today is Wednesday, 29th of April, 2020


1. Listen to the ‘Quarantine Update’ audio then answer the following questions in your notebook. Write VERY LONG sentences. 
a) What do you think the phrase “hang in there” means?
b) How does Aisha spend her free time?
c) What does Aisha hear on Sundays?
d) How is the US quarantine different from Spain?
e) Why do we need quarantine?
f) What does Aisha think is important for us to do?

Bitmoji Image

Now, Comment  something to Aisha! She will read it!


  1. In my house we are playing together, cooking, we also see TV. I play the Ps4 and I also help my family with house works. I go to the street for a 30min walk. And I also play with my sisters.

    1. That's so cool! My little brother has a ps4 too; he uses it to play World of Warcraft with his friends.
      -- Aisha

  2. Hi... My quarantine update: First in the morning i wake up i air the sheets, i dress up
    i have breakfast and i start looking at the blog. When i finish my homework, i read a book
    for 30 minutes and i finish at... 14:15 more less? Well then i watch novels. Then my family
    and i we eat food obvious then we all have a nap the i wake up i play with my sister
    also we listen at music and at night we play my famiy and me a game call remi. And this is
    my quarantine update :)


    1. Oooooh I used to love family game night as a kid! We loved UNO, but our favorite was a board game called Game of Life.
      -- Aisha

  3. A G H
    I wake up then al the mail to do my homework and i start reading and the eat.

    1. I like to check my email first thing in the morning, too.
      -- Aisha

  4. A. G. H.
    I play a little on my mobile, then I connect to my trampoline class, eating, and I take a shower and go out to applaud 8:00, sing a song and have dinner. I go to my mother's bed and tomorrow will be another day.

    1. You take a trampoline class online?! You must be very energetic!
      -- Aisha

  5. Hi Aisha!

    I'm IVM. During quarantine, I stay home with my family. I also do homework, study, do drawings with my sister, do exercise with my basketball couch in direct. Later, I'm going to clap with my family on the terrace. I like clapping because some neightbours play music and I dance with my sister.
    Don't worry, you will be with your family very soon. I think the most important thing now is do the recomendations, so the virus can go and everything can come back to normality.

    I hope to see you soon.

    A hug,


    1. I agree; we should continue to follow the best practices for good health. My flat doesn't have a terrace so I clap out of the window.
      -- Aisha

  6. in my house all we are doing something: me do the homework and play Fortnite, then my father play fortnite with me, my mother with the mobile and my sister playing with the dolls

    1. It sounds like you all really love to play games. :-)
      -- Aisha

  7. Hi Aisha, im JGA of 6 grade. I stay almost all the day in home. I spend all the time doing homework, going to walk and play the mobile or the ps4. I heard at the hour of the claps a song that I THINK is called ´resistire´ or something like that. I do all the homewoprk in the morning and in the afternoon i play and go to walk. In my opinion, Spain made the ´medidas?´ late but i keep my only grandparent far of the virus. hes not going to go to the street in 1 year or something like that

    1. I had to google translate the word medidas. It means 'measurement'. In English we'd say Spain "took measures against the quarantine" late. An easier way to say this is Spain "made the quarantine order" late. It's a good idea for your grandfather to stay in until we're free of the virus. My grandmother is staying in her home as well.
      -- Aisha

  8. C.M.M.
    Now, on the quarantaine, I stay at my home and I only left my house to go to the sreet 1 hour. I also play videogames and I read books. Also I do my homework and I study to the exams.

    1. I only leave the house to go food shopping, but in a few days I will start taking walks.
      -- Aisha

  9. In quarantine I do a lot of exercise to keep me fit. I study and also do homework. Sometimes I read some books or draw a picture.

    1. These are all good ways to spend your time. It's especially important to stay active, so doing exercise is excellent.
      -- Aisha

  10. I.C.A
    On the quarantine, in the morning I do my homework, then I play Fortnite, I make a Harry Potter´s puzzle with 1000 pieces that I received from England, and I read a book. Finally, on the night I have with my mother a session of Netflix and Chill.

    1. I love puzzles! The bigger, the better. Good luck with yours; I hope you finish it soon.
      -- Aisha

  11. M.A.L.L.
    Hello I´m M.A.L.L. of 6 grade, I stay in my house playing PS4 with friends and I also play board games with my parents and my sister. I also do my homework.

    1. Keeping in touch with friends is important. My younger brother also has a PS4 he uses to play with his friends.
      -- Aisha

  12. Hello Aisha what are you?! In this quarantine i'm doing a lot of things like exercises dances Reading and a lot of things like that and also i do videos wiht my friends of dance and of the school !!!

    1. Are you asking "What are you doing?" or are you asking "How are you"? I'm doing well. You can hear more about what I'm doing in the listening.
      You make videos online with your friends? That's very cool, especially because everyone is so far apart.
      -- Aisha

  13. Now, on the quarantain I stay in my home in the morning I'm doing homework and the I ate later I in my bed painting or white mi sister at also I with my phone

    1. I don't understand everything you wrote. What do you do after homework? Use easy words you know. You can do it :-)
      -- Aisha

  14. Im my free time i read,play,create interestings things and stay with tecnology.I stay only one hour out with my father and my brother in the Cerro

    1. I too USE technology a lot. What is the Cerro? Doesn't Cerro mean zero? You'll have to translate for me.
      -- Aisha

  15. Aty
    Hello, in the morning I study and do the homework and in the evening I play with my family 👪👪

    1. It's good you're keeping a schedule! Schedules are good for our health.
      -- Aisha

  16. Hello Aisha, I'm S. I have been doing my homework, cooking and reading some books. I think that you're right, we have to stay at home and think that we will have a normal life soon. Now I can go out for a walk with my dog, but I prefer stay at home another week.
    See you soon, S.G.G.

    1. I think this is a good plan! We have to do everything we can to keep everyone safe.
      Cooking is so much fun when there's people to cook with.
      -- Aisha

  17. Hello Aisha are you fine? You know that your voice had change now?The quarentine change our voives is strange.In my free time I play fortnite or brawl stars.

    1. Haha I call this my "business voice". When recording audios or making important phone calls; it is very important to speak slowly and clearly so everyone understands because we can only hear the words that are spoken. My "conversation voice", or how I regularly speak, is still the same.
      -- Aisha

  18. Hello Aisha! How are you? Im good and what i do in the quarantine is play,read,and get bored, but i can go to walk outsite 1 hour! Im so happy jeje:) i hope you are good.

    1. I'm doing well. I'm excited to start taking walks soon too! Enjoy the fresh air.
      -- Aisha

  19. Hi Alisha
    How are you?? Me im good, all the days I go running 1 hour with my mum almost all thf time I still doing my homework and at 8 o clock I go out because of the sanitaries.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean when you say sanitaries, but I think you're talking about the essential workers or the healthcare workers. So you're saying that at 8:00 you go outside to clap for the essential workers? That's very good because they need our support.
      -- Aisha

      -- Aisha

  20. J.M.B
    Hello Aisha, in the mornings I do my homework and in the afternoon I go out one hour and play with my friends in the PS4. Is this your first quarentine?

    1. Yes, this is the first time I've been under quarantine. Usually pandemics are in a few countries only. The last global pandemic that was bad like the coronavirus pandemic is the H1N1 flu pandemic of 1918. But don't worry, in the past pandemics had ended and this one will too.
      -- Aisha

  21. Hello Aisha !!! Im good, in the quarentine I read a lot of book's. Some days I go 1 hour to walk around my house with my parent's and my syster, on saturdays and sundays we se movies. CHEER UP!!!!!!!!

  22. Hi Aisha ,how are you ? When i wake up breakfast and brush muy teeth then i look at my homework and i start doing It when it's finished i like yo read and Paint by the window to see the street and i watch too many series. A.C.A

    1. Painting is one of my mother's hobbies. So fun! You're going to improve so much.
      -- Aisha

  23. A. E Hi Aisha,I hope you are well. The time in quarantine passes very slowly. In the morning I do my homework, I collaborate in the educational activities of my teacher's blog, I play chess with my father, I read some books and I go out for 1 hour with my mum for a walk.

    1. For me, time passes by quicker the older I get. I used to play chess for hours with my father. It's an excellent game for critical thinking.
      -- Aisha

  24. Hi Aisha! I´m good thanks. In the mornings I´m doing a lot of homework, but in the afternons my neightbours go to theirs balconies and then I play the guitar and I play the happy birthday when there is a birthday, but I know to play another songs: the guardians of the galaxy, a little bit of Harry Potter, Star wars, the Simpsons, another little of the Avengers and more. How are you? Good no?


    1. I'm doing good! I think it's great that you're learning to play the guitar. Playing an instrument is a very good skill to have. That's very nice of you to play for your neighbors.
      -- Aisha

  25. Hi! Don't worry, I am fine. We won't be under quarantine forever. Summer - my favorite season - will be here soon and I am very happy about this.
    -- Aisha

  26. Hi Aisha,I'm good, I do homework, play with my two brothers,built with my legos and practice piano.How are you?

    1. I'm doing well, thanks! Legos are fun. There's so many cool designs you can build.
      -- Aisha

  27. Hey all! One thing that's different from Spanish is that in English we say "during the quarantine". Also, before you publish a blog post, make sure to check your work. Re-read it and fix any spelling and grammar mistakes. It's a lot of fun reading everyone's comments. Stay safe!
    -- Aisha

  28. EVC
    Hi Aisha I would like to know more about web developers and how you develop them.

    How is this quarantine for you ?????:)

    1. That's great that you want to learn more about web development. Children can learn how to code too.
      -- Aisha

  29. SSM
    In this quarentine i pass the quarentine with my grandparents. In the morning i do the homework, in the afternoon i play with my grandparents and i do 20:00 hours i clap from the balcony.

    1. It's great that you are spending the quarantine with your grandparents - I'm sure they're very happy to have you. I love puzzles - the more pieces, the better!
      -- Aisha

  30. HEllo Aisha in this quarantine i playing with my family and doing experiments

    M T M

    1. What kind of experiments are you doing? You sound like a future scientist!
      -- Aisha

  31. Hi Aisha

    Hope your doing fine, When I wake up I read for an hour then I have breakfast , do my home work do my eyes exercise and watch rugby ,watch a movie but especially rugby

    1. It sounds like you have a full schedule! Exercise is important and it's good you're still doing it. Rugby is good exercise too.
      -- Aisha

  32. A.B.N
    Sorry for the delay.
    I playing which my family,play which the play station which my friends,doing my excercise and see fild.

  33. Hi Ashia. In my weekdays first I take breakfast and then I do my homework. In the aftenoon I play Fortnite with my friends. HSM

  34. ASL
    When I wake up the first thing I do is check my email then I have breakfast, I do my homework then at night I play a board game with my family

  35. Y.A.C.C
    Hi Aisha, I am very good in this quarantine, but if I miss school a little, I am also doing too much baking with my family, I also do my homework and always see how my parents play parchis. and how are you ?

  36. Hi Aisha! I wanted to tell you are very funny and you pronounce English very well.Good bye!
