Here are the corrections for Chapters 13 and
Remember to correct in red, copying
all the solutions. You must have the same information as me. Keep your
notebooks clean, organised, and make sure everything is in the correct section.
CHAPTER 13 CORRECTION: Check that you have used the words properly. Look at the definitions. If you used them incorrectly in your summary, change it so it makes sense.
TERM: It’s a period of school that lasts 3 months.
CHESS: It’s a board game where two players move
CURSE: It’s a spell that will have a negative impact
on the person who receives it.
ALCHEMY: It’s the medieval practice of chemistry,
which tried to change matter ‘magically’.
GRINGOTTS: It’s the wizard’s bank.
DUMBLEDORE: He’s the headmaster at Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry.
REFEREE: It’s the person who controls a game. Many
sports need a referee. He usually uses a whistle to stop the game when there’s
a foul.
A person wearing a hood (a piece of cloth that covers someone’s head).
FOREST: It’s a landscape with many trees.
CHAPTER 14 CORRECTION: If I wrote information that you don't have, add it to your sentence.
1) Describe Norbert the Dragon.
It wasn’t
pretty. It looked like a crumpled, black umbrella. Its spiny wings were huge
compared to its skinny jet body and it had a long snout with wide nostrils,
stubs of horns and bulging, orange eyes.
2) Who is his owner?
The owner
of Norbert the Dragon is Hagrid.
3) Why is the owner keeping him a secret?
Hagrid is
keeping Norbert a secret because breeding dragons is illegal.
4) Copy Charlie’s letter to Ron.
Dear Ron,
How are
you? Thanks for the letter – I’d be glad to take the Norwegian Ridgeback, but
it won’t be easy getting him here. I think the best thing will be to send him
over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble
is, they mustn’t be seen carrying an illegal dragon.
Could you
get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday? They can meet
you there and take him away while it’s still dark. Send me an answer as soon as
5) What happens at the end of the chapter?
At the end
of the chapter they send Norbert the Dragon away safely, but Filch discovers
them because they forgot the Invisibility Cloak up in the astronomy tower.
Take this
test. You are going to discover what are your strongest intelligences. Then,
look at the graphics.
What are your TOP TWO intelligences? Where did you get the lowest percentage?
Do you agree? Example:
My top two
intelligences, according to the test, are MUSICAL and NATURALIST. I got a very
low percentage for LOGICAL intelligence. I don’t agree with the test. I think
LINGUISTIC is my strongest intelligence, because I love learning languages.

ReplyDeleteI'm agre with supported and protector of the rest I'm not agre
You didn't write your top 2 intelligences according to the test.
*I agree / I don't agree
DeleteMy top top two is Naturalist and techering but I don't agree becouse I like to be a doctor
I.A.R. Theacher in what sentences we have to copy.In the sumary or were?
ReplyDeleteIf you're talking about Chapter 13, you don't have to copy the definitions. I wrote them for you to check that you included them correctly in your summary.
DeleteI.A.R. Thanks teacher
DeleteTecher about the test data that i am strategist and interetual.bye��
ReplyDeleteHello,I already have the results of the personality test:My personality type is ESTJ,my temperament is SJ(Protector),I am a visual learner and a left brained.A.E
ReplyDeleteMy top to intelligences are naturalist and protector and my lowest percentage is music. And I agree.
ReplyDeleteIVM My top two intelligences, according to the test, are kinesthetic and interpersonal. I got a very low porcentage for intrapersonal intelligence. I don't agree with the test. I think music is my strongest intelligence, because I love sing and play instruments.🎤🎶🎶
ReplyDeleteMy top intelligences are kinethic and naturalist. My worst one is music. I agree.
My top two intelligences, according to the test are musical and visual. It,s strange no?I also see that I have naturalist I got a 90% because I love trees. I use more the right part of the brain I have 52% in right and 48% in the left It,s almost the same.
ReplyDeleteMy top inteligences are supporter and ptotector.I agree with the test
ReplyDeleteA G H
ReplyDeleteMy top kinesthetic
the machine say that im good studing and i now who i am. very rare J.G.A
ReplyDeleteFollow the format in my example to write your sentence.
ReplyDeleteMy top two intelligences, according to the text, are logcal and creator. I got a very low porcentage for sensing intelligence. I don´t agree with the text. I think music is my strongest intelligence, because I love play instruments.
ReplyDeleteMy top two inteligences are musical and kinestethic. My worst is naturalist. I agree
My intelligence is kinethic and interectual.
ReplyDeleteMy top two intelgences are visual and naturalist...My worst one is musical (how is that possible:( )
Im not agree because music for me is lovely...
K.R.H.: My top intelligences are kinesthic and logical. I somewhat agree with this
ReplyDeleteSorry,but i dont understand how to do that test.Can explain to me again please?
Did you follow the instructions in the screenshot I made?
Delete1) Access the link
2) Select only "multiple intelligences" in the box.
3) Answer the questions that appear in the bottom box. To answer, click on "never", "always"...
Violeta I don't now how to enterprise the test.
ReplyDeleteDid you follow the instructions in the screenshot I made?
Delete1) Access the link
2) Select only "multiple intelligences" in the box.
3) Answer the questions that appear in the bottom box. To answer, click on "never", "always"...
ReplyDeletemy two highest percentages are naturalistic and visual. my lowest score is in linguistic . I very much agree because I think I love nature more than the rest, for example in nature I feel more alive.
ReplyDeleteMy top intelligences are visionary and intuitive.
My top two intelligences, according to the test, are Musical and Naturalist. I got a very low percentage for Visual inteligence. I don't agree with the test. I think I'm not good at Music and I think I'm a good Visual person. I don't agree with nothing of the test.
ReplyDeleteSee you soon S.G.G.
ReplyDeleteMy top two inteligences, according to the test, are MUSICAL and LOGICAL. I got a very low percentage for VISUAL and NATURALIST. I agree the test because I like the music a lot and the things of nature are very bad for me.
AAG: My top two intelligences,according to the,test,are Musical and Naturalist. I got a very low percentage for Linguistic. I agree with the test. I think not good at Linguistic and i workink many for made more good.
ReplyDeleteMy top Two inteligences acording whit the texto are INTRAPERSONAL and INTERPERSONAL but I not acording with this I thing my Two inteligences has to be INTRAPERSONAL and NATURALIST and I get very low porcentaje in LINGUISTIC, I acording with these.
ReplyDeleteMy top two inteligences according with the test are kinesthetic, logical inteligences and I´m accord with these and it don´t put a low porcentaje in anynithing. HSM
ReplyDeleteI'm accord = SPANGLISH
DeleteHow can you say that better?
He put that my two principal intelligences are kinhetc and protector.
Hello Violeta , in the test of personality that yo send said that my top intelligences are intrapersonal and musical and I agree to the text . My worst intelligence is visual according to the text but I dont think that’s my worst .
The test says I’m an artist and a creator . I agree but disagree because i think ‘m an artist a
ReplyDeletecreator an linguist .
my top 2 inteligences are naturalist and mathematishian. I agree J.G.A
ReplyDeleteMy two top intelligences are naturalist and creator
Mi top 2 inteligences are naturalist an d music